Halloween so starts the Holiday Season. The average American gains 7-12 pounds between Halloween and New Years . The next series of articles will help you ensure that you wont be among them. First, Halloween. As Halloween rears its head, so does the plethora of wonderful smelling chocolates and other treats that tempt us as we walk through the aisles of our favorite stores. I will cover some tips, tricks and nutrition information for many of the popular candies to help you make the best choices . The moral is - if you can count it and limit it to a single serving , you can work it into your food plan and enjoy the Holiday festivities without sacrificing your fitness goals.
1. Keep your goals firmly planted in your mind. We all get caught up from time to time. While in the moment, it is quite easy to lose sight of your ultimate vision and why you began your fitness or fatloss programs to begin with. I always spend time, prior to the beginning of the Holiday season, reinforcing our clients Whys. How will your life be better when you are living at your goal weight? What will you be wearing? How will you be feeling? Where will you feel more confident or energetic ?How are you feeling in your current condition? Why the heck do you want to lose this weight anyway? Keep them handy for a constant reminder of why you do want to make the choices that will lead you to your goal .
2. Keep an eye on serving sizes and portions Any food (even not so healthy ones) can be worked into your food plan, its just a matter of awareness and balance. Many people label foods good or bad. In reality, it is all about portions and serving sizes.
3. Make a plan - If you are like most people, you grab a treat or two every time you walk past the bowl. This can add up to hundreds of calories before you know it. Plan ahead and count a few treats into your food plan ahead of time. Count them out in advance and place them in a separate bowl or dish. This will keep you from feeling deprived and still allow you to stay on track towards your goals.
4. Avoid the All or nothing mentality. Lets face it, no ones perfect Chances are, there will be a time when you go overboard. Dont let this lead into a I already blew it binge that lasts until January 1st. No one or two days is going to make or break your fat loss efforts. Get right back on track the next day and consider adding some extra cardio in to work off the extra calories.
5. What is in YOUR candy bowl ? This can make a significant difference in how you manage your weight throughout the Holiday. Be aware, however, that healthier does not necessarily mean fewer calories , that low fat does not mean that you can eat twice as much, and that lo carb usually means more calories.
6. Choose candy you don't like: You will be less apt to eat out of habit and take a piece or two if you are not surrounded by your favorites
7. Choose alternatives to candy: Give out dried fruits, nuts, raisins, cheese and cracker packets, pretzels, popcorn , or fruit roll-ups for a more healthful treats
8. Choose low-calorie treats: Things like Licorice, popcorn, gummy bears mints and marshmallows are all lower calorie alternatives
9. Choose small portions: Buy fun-sized chocolates instead of their full sized counterparts. Dont forget to count out in advance your allotted servings for the day.
10. Choose non-food alternatives: You can still enjoy the holiday festivities and keep the trick or treaters happy. Many stores and holiday shops carry a multitude of Halloween miniature toys, cars, glow-in-the-dark necklaces and other fun little goodies.