An Omega-6 Fatty Acid For Good Health
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), its means slight reaarrangment of its molecularstructure. CLA provide 70 to 80% supplements. CLA gave 180 overweight volunteers3.4 grams of CLA every day for a year. They also increased lean body mass byabout 2%, regardless of diet or exercise habits. CLA is naturally found mostabundantly in certain animal products. Cattle that eat only grass produce higheramounts of CLA in their milk and meat than those which receive hormone-laden,low grade feed.
CLA is part of the omega-6 fatty acid family. Its mechanism of action, however,mimics that of omega-3 fatty acids such as fish oil, which have been proven tohave significant health benefits. CLA can inhibit tumor growth and proliferationof human cancer cells. The highest concentrations of CLA (conjugated linoleicacid) are found in beef, veal and certain dairy products. To a lesser extent,CLA is also found in vegetable oils. A number of fatty acid isomers make up CLA.Isomers are compounds that have identical chemical formulas but differentstructures. The researchers discovered that one particular CLA (CLAisomert10c12-CLA) responsible for controlling body weight and leptin levels inthe diabetic subjects.
While CLA and linoleic acid have similarities on a molecular level, they arereally very different fatty acids. In fact, Linoleic acid, while essential tohealth, in excess can have negative effects (increased bad cholesterol,increased fat deposits) on our health. Research indicates that CLA is necessaryto balance and offset some of the problems caused by excessive Linoleic Acid.The possible use of CLA and other nutrition and natural interventions as a safeand effective adjuvant therapeutic agent against cancer versus aggressivepharmacological therapy that has attending adverse side effects. CLA is helpingto control plasma lipids, blood glucose and body weight when used in conjunctionwith diet and exercise.
Diabetics who supplemented their diet with the essential fatty acid CLA had alower body mass than subjects who did not include the fatty acid in their diet.In the group taking safflower supplements, weight remained the same. Inaddition, the CLA-supplemented subjects had lower blood sugar levels. Fastingblood glucose levels decreased in 9 of the 11 CLA - treated subjects, butdeclined in only 2 of the 10 subjects taking safflower supplements. In fact,fasting blood glucose declined nearly five-fold in CLA - treated patients,compared to patients taking the safflower oil.
CLA Effects: