Essential fatty acids are more important for health than most people realize. Without eating the proper amount, you will definitely create illness in your body.
These essential fatty acids play an essential role in producing enzymes and hormones your body uses to regulate
blood pressure
heart rate
In addition, fatty acids are used to form the structure of every cell in your body.
When you are deficient in fatty acids you are susceptible to more physical and emotional diseases.
You can extend your life and reduce many age-related diseases by supplementing your diet with the essential fatty acids. Most of these age-related diseases are a result of unchecked inflammation in your body.
Use omega 6, olive oil, but not too much since it reduces the good effects of omega - 3, flax seed oil or fish oil. Omega 6 has inflammatory properties and that is why you need to balance it with omega 3, which has anti-inflammatory properties.
Essential Fatty Acids omega 3, omega 6, omega - 9
If you are not taking some form of essential fatty acids, please take this recommendation serious. Essential means you need these fatty acids in your diet because your body cant create them. You need them to come from an external source food.
Eating too much olive will create excessive inflammation in your body and especially if you dont supplement your diet with omega 3.
Flax seed oil and fish oils that contain omega 3 and omega - 6 oils are broken down in your body into DHA and EPA. It is DHA and EPA that breakdown further into prostaglandins. It is prostaglandins that provide cells with information on how to function and reduce inflammation.
Some people cannot break down omega-3 and omega-6 into DHA and EPA. When this occurs these people definitely come down with various inflammatory illnesses.
If you lack sufficient a specific enzymes that helps to break down the fatty acids into DHA and EPA, then you need to supplement with fish oil instead of flax seed oil or olive oil.
Unhealthy eating and emotional habits also can block the conversion of flax seed oil into DHA and EPA eating excess carbohydrates, being overweight, drinking alcohol or caffeine, eating sugar, being overly anger, or smoking.
Fish oil already has DHA and EPA so your body does not have to create these fatty acids as it does from flax seed oil. Some people do not have the ability to take flax seed oil and break it down into DHA and EPA. So for them it is better to use fish oil.
How can you tell if you can breakdown flax seed oil into DHA and EPA? Well, its not easy. You would have to take a blood tests to find out. So, it best to take both flax seed oil and fish oil. Both have some nutrients that the other does not have.
Go to Google and put in fish oil, then look at the label of various products and look for the quantities of omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9, GLA, EPA and DHA. I have not discussed omega 9 or GLA, but GLA breaks down from omega -6.
Omega 9 is found in oils and in avocado and is an extremely health fatty acid. At least 90% of you fat intake should be omega-9 to have the best health possible. Most foods have very little omega-9, so it would be difficult to achieve high levels of this fatty acid in your diet.
Rudy Silva is a natural nutritionist who teaches how to use natural remedies to reduce illness. To get more free tips and ideas on essential fatty acids, go to: