Does your family disappear when its time to clean the bathroom? Is it the most likely to be traded chore on the chore list? If so, your family is far from unique. Cleaning the bathroom rates right up there with emptying the kitty litter box when it comes to Id rather do anything butFortunately, cleaning your bathroom doesnt have to be such a horrible job if you make cleaning it part of your daily, weekly, and monthly housecleaning routine. Heres a household attack plan for maintaining a spotless and healthy bathroom.Clean the Bathroom Every Time You Use ItEach time you use your bathroom, you should:Wipe it down. If you brush your teeth, wipe out the sink when youre done. If you take a shower, give the walls a quick swipe with a towel or a swabber designed for the job. By wiping up water, youre discouraging some of the toughest stains mildew, soap scum, and hard water from even forming.Hang towels to dry on towel bars.Take your clothes with you when you leave the bathroom.Daily CleaningOn a daily basis, you should:Wipe down the countertop, tub, sink, and toilet with a damp cloth. A long-handled swab designed for the job will make wiping down the walls of the tub much easier.Remove dirty or damp towels and toss them in the washer and dryer.Close the shower curtain. Keeping the shower curtain closed (stretched out across the tub instead of bunched up against the wall) makes it harder for mildew to form.Swab out the toilet. It doesnt need a full scale cleaning every day, but swabbing it out regularly will reduce grungy buildup over time.Weekly Bathroom CleaningIf youve been keeping up with daily pickup and wipedowns, the weekly bathroom chore will be a breeze. Heres how to do it:Keep doors and windows open while you work, and run the fan for ventilation. Remember, youre working with caustic chemicals that cause fumes. Keep the air moving.Wear gloves while you work for the same reason.Work down from the top and clean in this order.