A secret has been revealed in the news over the past few weeks. Iwas a part of that secret. What was the secret you ask? Men arenow using skin care products as a part of their daily activities!
I started a few months ago due to something I learned aboutmyself. I had my picture taken. Not just a standard picture. Ihad my picture taken with a special ultraviolet camera and lightthat shows damaged skin due to excessive sun exposure. First theytook a picture of my face with standard light. Although not aflattering picture, it looked like I expected. Then they took apicture of my face with the ultraviolet light. What did I looklike? I looked like I had a face FULL of freckles. Only thesefreckles weren't the cute ones that would have showed up in thefirst picture. They showed that I have a significant amount ofsun damage. I guess my early years of working and playing outsideall summer long with little or no sun protection is catching upwith me.
It is common knowledge that sun damaged skin will cause prematuresigns of aging skin (wrinkling, "leathery" appearance and feel,etc.) as well as being a cause of skin cancer. So, I decided todo something about it. One of those things is to take better careof my skin. I am using skin care products that have a sunscreenbuilt in. These same products also contain enzymes that can helpspeed cell renewal in sun damaged skin.
Yes, the secret is out. I am using skin care products every day.My wife says my complexion is also better because of it. I lookforward to having my picture taken in the future. Maybe mycomplexion isn't the only thing that is improving.