Infertility is a problem that many women experience. One cause of infertility is endometriosis, a disease that affects millions of women. This disease appears when tissue similar to the one that can be found inside the uterus is found elsewhere in the body.
Endometriosis can be diagnosed in four modes ranging from mild to severe. Women with mild endometriosis are usually fertile, but the disease causes anatomical distortion, especially in its more severe stages. This distortion can cause of infertility it is it severe.
The most recent theory says that women with endometriosis-related infertility lack an enzyme that allows the embryo to attach the uterine wall, which happens in a normal pregnancy. Doctors have different opinions about the link between endometriosis and infertility. Some theories are that it causes infertility by creating hormonal abnormalities, distorting anatomy, altering the pelvic biochemical environment, interfering with sperm function, or influencing the immune system.
In conclusion, infertility is one of the most devastating consequences of endometriosis. This infertility occurs in addition to the pain normally associated with the disease. A woman suffering from infertility caused by endometriosis can sometimes manage to have children. There are treatments for endometriosis, including natural therapies to rebalance hormones, changing the diet to achieve the best health possible, and surgery to correct damage done to reproductive organs. In vitro fertilization (IVF) is another solution that should be considered.